
Apple tree section yellowing and dying #873441

Asked June 17, 2024, 12:56 PM EDT

A portion of our apple tree has yellow leaves that are falling off and a section appears to be dying. Curious if it’s insect or fungus related. One arbor specialist said he would cut it out but it might spread to other sections and that it might be best to wait until fall. Thoughts?

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

Thank you for your question, Daniel.  There are at least 3 dozen diseases which infect apple trees, some of which are more prevalent in some apple tree varieties than others.

I am unable to see enough detail in the leaves, nor examine for cankers, etc., from just photos.  I suggest that you submit leaf, stem and soil samples to the OSU Plant Clinic for examination:

I hope the Clinic personnel are able to diagnose and advise you on a course of action.  Good luck!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 17, 2024, 1:39 PM EDT

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