
Bug on tomato #872776

Asked June 12, 2024, 10:54 AM EDT

Please identify this bug. Is it causing the rust and yellow scaling on the leaves? Can it affect the fruit? It is similar to the stink bug that infests tomatoes but does not exactly match. The ones I’m able catch, I drown in jar of soap water. Thank you for your response.

Fort Bend County Texas

Expert Response

The bug is a leaffooted bug.  The damage is similar to stink bug damage.  The bug mostly affects the fruit.  The insects have piercing-sucking mouthparts and puncture fruit or seeds to suck out plant juices.  The bite of the bug causes yellow speckling on the tomato when it is ripe.   The opening left behind can allow access to secondary invaders or rot.

 Leaffooted bugs are common pests of tomatoes and potatoes, rarely causing damage on cucurbits. Bugs are large (to about 3/4 inch), browinsh to gray, with backs flattened and shield shaped. Hind legs are prominently flattened. Feeding damage causes speckling and spotting of tomato fruit

Best Ways to Control

There are three ways you can manage these insects:

The bug is not the cause of the rust and yellowing of the leaves.  The yellowing of the leaves is probably due to a nitrogen shortage.  It also looks like your plant has spider mites, possibly one of the wilts, and/or a fungus.   It is time to take the plant out.   Even health tomato plants rarely produce fruit this time of the year.  Our tomato season is usually over in June.

When you take the tomato out put it in the garbage.  

Jim, Larry and Leslie


An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 17, 2024, 1:01 PM EDT

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