
Hummingbird Feeder Safety #872561

Asked June 11, 2024, 9:38 AM EDT

Hi! I live in an apartment in a suburb of Denver, and I recently planted some flowers to attract hummingbirds on my patio, but I also bought a little hummingbird feeder. I would like it ask, are there any health risks in having the feeder? I don’t have a laundry sink or an outdoor area to clean it. Just my kitchen. I obviously don't want to expose us to any bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Can you help me understand if that could be the case, any potential risks, and how best to clean the feeder? Thank you!!

Douglas County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Katy,

A study conducted by the University of California determined that most of the microbes that grow in hummingbird feeders are safe for both birds and humans.  To be the most careful, it is still recommended not to clean hummingbird feeders where human food is prepared; though if you have to use your kitchen sink, being sure to sanitize the area afterwards would be a good idea.  Is the bathroom sink or tub an option?

Alternatively, you could use a dishpan or bucket and clean the feeder on the patio. 

Clean the feeder with hot water and/or diluted vinegar, do not use soap or detergent.  You can also disinfect the feeders using a 10% dilution of household bleach; be sure to rinse them well afterwards.  

Some hummingbird feeders are even dishwasher safe.

I hope this is helpful!



An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 11, 2024, 10:03 AM EDT

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