
Maple Tree Bark Problem #872495

Asked June 10, 2024, 6:21 PM EDT

Hi, what do you think is happening to my young Northwoods Maple Tree? Bark on the west facing side of the tree has slowly cracked and peeled, lower branches above this area have died and leaves are a little wilty. The problem began at the base of the trunk about 3 years ago. An arborist looked at these photos and said it is caused by root girdling and that I should “pull off all that loose bark to allow for healing and start doing root growth treatments and fertilizer.” Do you think this is the problem and correct treatment? Thank you!

Scott County Minnesota

Expert Response

Splitting bark and dieback are often symptoms of damage caused by stem girdling roots, but beyond that we can't say what should be done by viewing the photos.

Under the circumstances we suggest asking a certified arborist to assess the tree's health on site and recommend a course of action.

The following video addresses stem girdling roots. After viewing it and carefully inspecting the configuration of your tree's roots at and near the surface, you should be able to have an informed discussion with an arborist on site.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 16, 2024, 2:49 PM EDT

Thank you for the advice! My tree had about 10 stem girdling roots of various sizes. I was able to successfully remove them (and excavate the root flare). Hopefully this saves our tree!

The Question Asker Replied June 17, 2024, 4:57 PM EDT
Good health to your tree, and a high five for accepting the challenge of doing the work yourself!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 18, 2024, 6:09 AM EDT

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