
Prolific strawberry plants producing flowers but no berries #872319

Asked June 09, 2024, 5:53 PM EDT

Hi, I have been desperately trying to get strawberries to grow from these plants for the past 3 years and they are prolific spreaders and flower beautifully but the flowers never turn into berries. They have been in multiple locations and I spread chicken manure around them to no avail. Half my garden are these huge strawberry plants with no berries. I have no idea what kind they are but I’m ready to tear them out.

Washington County Oregon

Expert Response

We have a publication about growing strawberries in a home garden, check it out here, EC 1307.
To have zero berries is a puzzle. So, some questions. What type do you have? Did they bloom well? Are you at high elevation where blooms were damaged by frost? What do you see when you pick one of those fruit spurs I see in the photo: is there a little undeveloped fruit of flower there? Do you watch closely everyday, to see if pests are eating the developing berries before they are big enough for you to see?
I suggest you develop a patch with proper spacing between your plants for adequate sun and airflow, as indicated in the strawberry publication. New, disease-free plants and a new location is a good idea too. Diseases and pests can build up in the soil, so rotation reduces problems.
Lastly, too much nitrogen can mean lots of foliage but not many flowers. Consider soil testing before additional amendments.  This is an issue with overall production, but doesn’t really answer why the flowers don’t produce berries. That is likely a pollination, pest, or variety problem.

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