
Berry tree significant leaf loss #872316

Asked June 09, 2024, 5:44 PM EDT

We have 5 mature berry trees. They flowered fully this spring. Shortly after they all began to yellow leaf and the majority of them curled and died. We see similar trees in neighborhood with same issues. Should we take any action?

Sherburne County Minnesota

Expert Response

Based upon what we can see in the photos, the trees appear to be ornamental crabapples affected by scab.

Scab is a leaf disease especially common when the weather is warm and wet.

Scab often defoliates susceptible crabapples, but those affected usually recover and often bloom normally the following growing season.  

It's sometimes best to replace susceptible crabapples trees with resistant varieties. 

Go here to learn about scab and what to do about it:
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 13, 2024, 3:58 PM EDT

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