
Spraying #869822

Asked May 23, 2024, 4:25 PM EDT

I am wondering when to spray my apple trees and how often. I also have a Contender peach tree with peaches for the first time. What do I spray with and when, if it even needs preventative spraying. I currently have Captain Jacks Fruit tree spray by Bonide. Active ingredient is cold pressed been oil 70%.

Carver County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thanks for the question. Spraying apple trees is only necessary when you have had a problem with disease or insects. The first step in determining what spray is necessary is to identify the disease or insect issue. For example, some insects are only active in July and August so to spray the trees in May or June is worthless. What issues have you witnessed in the past that you might anticipate this season? Here's some helpful information on apple disease and insects:

Peaches are marginally hardy here in the Twin Cities. Not much information on growing them specifically. Certainly fun to give them a try. They are a stone fruit related to plums and cherries. Here is a link for more info on stone fruits:

I hope you find this helpful. Feel welcome to further reply.


Master Gardener volunteer

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 23, 2024, 11:38 PM EDT

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