
Sudden anthracnose on Rhamnus cathartica? #869547

Asked May 21, 2024, 9:23 PM EDT

Hello. The house I bought has a fairly established Rhamnus cathartica tree in the back yard. This spring, I noticed it looking absolutely haggard. Upon closer inspection, it appears to be struggling. I think possibly with anthracnose? Brown spots throughout the canopy, even on the new growth. Is anyone able to confirm from the photos? I will likely have it removed as it is known to be susceptible to anthracnose and is invasive, but knowledge is power and I would love to avoid infecting the replacement tree in the future. Followup question: could you guys recommend a small-medium shade tree that is not susceptible to whatever this tree is afflicted by? Thanks! Emily

Lane County Oregon

Expert Response

Please email the photos and description of the problem to the Lane County Master Gardener plant clinic at <personal data hidden>. They will have more time to research the issue and look into suitable replacement options for you. 

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