
Are these weeds invasive? #869468

Asked May 21, 2024, 2:10 PM EDT

I'm seeing these clumps of weeds in my lawn and I'm wondering if they need to be manually removed.

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thanks for your question. Unfortunately due to the similarity between what is depicted in your picture and numerous other species of grass, I find myself unable to give you an identification for which I would have significant confidence. But having said that, I suspect that this might be some type of annual bluegrass (e.g., Poa annua). Often this is referred to as annual meadow grass. Pease see:

If you have not previously seen this in your yard, that would be consistent with my hunch that this is an annual. Perhaps seeds were blown into your yard from adjoining fields? If my suspicion is correct, it will not be possible to apply any herbicide that kills this particular type of grass without at the same time killing the rest of your yard.

MY two suggestions are as follows:

1). Do nothing. Let it live and you live with it. I doubt that it will spread much farther. If this returns in 2025 in exactly the same locations, then you will be dealing with a perennial grass. Should that occur, please get back to us and we would need to reassess your question.

2). Physically yank it up and dispose of it. As one of your pictures depicted, it seems to have a rather shallow root system. It should come up easily. This type of root system is consistent with it being an annual grass.

Good luck. Thanks for consulting with. If you have any questions, please ask!!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 22, 2024, 1:43 AM EDT

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