
Solomon Seal #869452

Asked May 21, 2024, 12:55 PM EDT

I am curious as to why my Solomon Seal plants bloom beautifully but do not produce the purple berries after flowering. As far as I can tell( they came with the house so to speak) they appear to be a native species. Thank you.

Leelanau County Michigan

Expert Response

First, are you sure the plant is a variety of Salomon Seal? Without a picture I have no way of identifying the plant. If the plant is a Solomon Seal it could be a variety with small berries. The following article from the University of Wisconsin lists many of the varieties grown. The article can be found here: Solomon’s Seal, Polygonatum spp. – Wisconsin Horticulture

Second the birds might have eaten are the berries before you noticed them. Berries are extremely popular with birds.

Thank you for your question and have a great gardening summer.

Hello, I was trying to keep my question short. Yes I am sure the plant is Solomon Seal(pologonatum). I have had these plants for years and have tried various resources to find an answer as to why the are no berries. No, the birds are not eating the berries before I notice. They simply do not form in the first place. Thank you for your time. I know this is a busy season for you. 

On Thu, May 23, 2024 at 5:21 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied May 24, 2024, 2:08 PM EDT

It sounds like your Solomon Seal plants are not producing berries because they may not be getting the right conditions to set fruit. While Solomon Seal plants typically produce small, round blue-black fruits after flowering, the production of these fruits can be influenced by several factors.

First, Solomon Seal plants prefer rich, moist, well-drained soils in partial to full shade, where they will receive morning or dappled sunlight rather than afternoon sun If your plants are not in the right soil conditions or are receiving too much direct sunlight, this could affect their ability to produce berries.

Second, Solomon Seal plants are also known to be quite drought tolerant once established, but they do require consistent moisture, especially during the fruiting season]. If your plants are not receiving enough water, this could also impact their ability to set fruit.

Lastly, Solomon Seal plants are known to be quite adaptable to many situations, but they do have specific requirements for optimal fruiting. They typically require a period of cooler temperatures in the fall to initiate the fruiting process, and if your area experiences warm temperatures year-round, this could also affect their ability to produce berries

If you are still having trouble with your Solomon Seal plants producing berries, it might be worth checking that they are getting the right soil conditions, consistent watering, and a period of cooler temperatures in the fall.

To learn more you may want to consider these two sources: Solomon’s Seal, Polygonatum spp. – Wisconsin Horticulture and Solomon’s-seals | Home & Garden Information Center (

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