
Pruning Birch Trees #869062

Asked May 18, 2024, 8:19 PM EDT

I have two birch trees in my yard that have never been pruned. They have branches all the way to the ground and I am wondering: 1) If the lower branches should be pruned or eliminated and, if they should, how high? 2) When is the right time to prune the trees? Could they be pruned now? 3) What tips do you have for correctly trimming the trees? Should I remove inside branches? I could not send you any photos. They were too large. Thank you for your help.

Dakota County Minnesota

Expert Response

How high you want to trim your trees is up to you. Often, people trim up the lower branches so that they a mow under them. You ever want to remove more than 1/4 of the live foliage in any one year. Removed any dead branches first. 

You don’t say what kind of birch they are. Birches should be pruned later in the year to avoid infection from bronze birch borers. Also, if pruned early in the year they will bleed sap like maples. 

Pruning can be to improve shape. Below are two articles that should help you. Stay away from using power tools like a chain saw. If your trees are too large, consider hiring a tree professional.

Deb Reierson Replied May 20, 2024, 10:16 PM EDT

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