
Pine Beetle APPLICATIONS #868904

Asked May 17, 2024, 2:14 PM EDT

Okay, you have given me products to buy, BUT--- other than the one that says to staple to a tree, just how am I supposed to use any of the other products??????????? No, I am not blonde, but inquiring minds would like to know, how am I to use the product??? I was looking at the paste as I have MANY trees on my property (approx. 3 acres worth). Money wise, it looked to be a bit more affordable, not sure and I am willing to accept suggestions on the how and why. Thanks in advance

Gilpin County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Rebecca,
You can call our office to discuss if I don't answer what you are looking for, I'm not clear on what products you are asking about.

If you are trying to deter mountain pine beetle, you can use verbenone, which are the pouches you staple to the tree. I don't have experience with the paste, but the distributor could offer info on how to use that product. Also consider that you probably don't need to protect every tree on your 3 acres. Large ponderosas and some lodgepoles are the main target for mountain pine beetle. Here's info I have been giving out to folks:

Deterring Mountain Pine Beetle with Verbenone

Verbenone is a pheromone which prevents attacks by the mountain pine beetle (MPB) on all varieties of pine trees (ponderosa, lodgepole, and limber are trees that are impacted by MPB in Gilpin). When present in sufficient concentration, verbenone signals incoming beetles that the target tree is already infested. The result is that the beetles are forced to fly elsewhere making them vulnerable to natural predators.

Distributors of Mountain Pine Beetle Pheromone Packets for 2024

Beetle Block

Synergy Pouches

Forestry Distributing

Verbenone Express

Should I Protect My Trees?

  • The bulk of beetles fly within ¼ mile from source, so if you are seeing dead or infected trees near your property, we recommend using verbenone.
  • As beetle populations grow (as they are in Gilpin), their reach becomes greater and high winds in June/July will allow beetles to fly more miles.
  • For larger acreage and/or to reduce costs, focus on large trees around homes and major viewsheds.
  • If MPB populations are high, the efficacy of verbenone is reduced.

Application Instructions:

  • MPB prefer large old pine trees. Target these first.
  • MPB only attack Limber, Ponderosa, Lodgepole, and less often Bristlecone pines. It is not effective to use verbenone on other tree species.
  • Hang pouches and bubbles on north side of trees (if 2 pouches are used on a tree, then hang on north and south)
  • Use a staple gun to attach as high as you can reach.
  • Put them out beginning of June (not earlier).
  • Must be replaced every year. This is a 90-day repellant.

Mountain Pine Beetle Resources

General information

Recorded Webinar

Evergreen Tree Identification for Gilpin County

Jennifer Cook Replied May 17, 2024, 2:58 PM EDT

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