What is this problem with my plum tree? #868587
Asked May 15, 2024, 3:43 PM EDT
My plum tree leaves have little holes and 1/2 eaten leaves. I can’t tell if it is disease or bugs. It is a very young tree and I am new to this fruit tree thing. Can you please tell what the problem is and how to treat it. I’d really appreciate your help! Thank you!
Douglas County Colorado
Expert Response
Hi Joy,
Based on what I can see in the photograph, I think you're seeing the result of mechanical damage to the leaves when they were in bud--a late frost, perhaps. High winds or hail when the leaves were just emerging can cause similar symptoms.
Based on the leaf color, your tree might also benefit from a light application of fertilizer--the yellowish cast suggests a possible iron deficiency, or nitrogen deficiency, or both. Don't over-do it though, for a new tree, too much fertilizer can set the tree back in establishment.
If you notice any development of brown spots on the leaves, or if you see symptoms continuing to develop on new leaves, please let us know and we can look into other possibilities, but I think abiotic factors are the most likely.
I hope this is helpful.
Well, I’ll take this as good news. I so appreciate your prompt response! I hope you have an awesome day!