
Honey bee hive in house #868376

Asked May 14, 2024, 11:55 AM EDT

We have what we think are honey bees inhabiting the eave of our house, 24-26 feet from the ground. We see them swarming near and entering the eave, and can hear them from inside, by a stairwell. Some have found their way inside. About a week ago, I vacuumed up many that were dead on the floor of the room at the top of that stairwell. I tried counting, but lost track of the 100's. It was between 600 and 800, I think. Is there someone that could possibly move them so they don't have to be killed? If not, how can we get them to move out? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Diana and Kevin Burt

Knox County Ohio

Expert Response

Hi Diana and Kevin,
The best resource I could find for you is the Ohio State Beekeepers Association.  You may need to call a few places, and the service will not be free, but this is the link that can get you started:

Best of luck.
Chris T. OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Replied May 19, 2024, 9:04 PM EDT

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