
possible route issues with Bonsai #867537

Asked May 08, 2024, 10:29 AM EDT

I have a Dawn redwood and a ginkgo that I have had for years that are Bonsai. every year they leaf out beautifully and our lush and green, fertilized at the correct time, but then both leaves start to curl and remain curled for the duration of the season until they fall off. There is nothing on either leaf, I’ve gone over them with a magnifying glass and see absolutely nothing. At the end of the season fall off and the cycle starts again. I’m suspecting that there’s something wrong with the roots and I would like to submit them for an analysis someplace. I should have asked last weekend at the Canby Garden fair, but had other questions that were more pressing. Wondering if you can direct me to a location for testing.

Marion County Oregon

Expert Response

Thanks for the question Nicole,
I think you are on the right track to consider a problem with the roots of your plants. Unfortunately we don't have the ability to confirm your diagnosis at our plant clinics. We'd discuss the symptoms and possible culprits and solutions, culturally (how much water/light, etc.) or chemically - which would be a difficult experiment on something as delicate as bonsai roots. 
If you haven't already done so, I'd recommend contacting one of the bonsai societies in Oregon (see below) because they would be the true experts in this situation and possibly be able to direct you to someone who can do testing.
In addition, several nurseries specialize in bonsai and may have experts on board.
I have attached a couple of links describing leaf curl in traditional trees so you can read about these symptoms, but I do not believe the methods for dealing with it would apply to bonsai.
Ann Kinkley, Linn County Master Gardener Replied May 10, 2024, 10:20 AM EDT

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