
Odd structures #867066

Asked May 05, 2024, 5:23 AM EDT

This is an impatien I started from seed. I have several and have only noticed these odd structures on the ones that are close to blooming. Because of their regular spacing it would seem they are part of the plant versus being a bug or something. But I would love to know for sure if you can find out for me.

Marion County Oregon

Expert Response

Thanks for reaching out and for sharing such great photos. These are glands associated with flowering and pollination. 

Do you know which species of Impatiens you are growing?
That's what I was guessing thanks so much it was driving me nuts! 

It is an Impatiens Namchabarwensis. I got the seed from China.

Would you happen to know what those glands are called? I would like to look into this further. 

On Tue, May 7, 2024, 4:25 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied May 08, 2024, 5:31 AM EDT
Here's general info on leaf glands also known as extrafloral nectaries (EFNs). Heads up, this is a deep dive! 

Your plant is so interesting! I wasn't familiar with that species and did a little research myself. Here is the report of the original find. You will need to create a free account to view the document, sorry! But it's interesting because it describes how the plant was discovered and even has a photo of the area. 

Enjoy that beautiful plant! 
Thank you so much! I wasn't getting very far with my search not knowing the term to look for. 

I found this which made me think the glands contained pollen and the insects were bumping them with their butt.  But then I couldn't figure out how the pollen would get to the ovaries of the flower. 

I am unable to load that second link that you found personally.  I don't remember what my username or password were and it doesn't give me the option of saying I forgot them please send me a link. 

Could you possibly copy and paste it and send it in an email? 

Thank you for all your effort I really appreciate it! I love learning and when it's about plants it's even more interesting. 

On Wed, May 8, 2024, 2:03 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied May 09, 2024, 5:12 AM EDT
Apologies, here is a better link:

This is the site (JSTOR) that you would need to create a login in for. (I sent you to the OSU library last time-sorry!) 
Apologies, here is a better link:

This is the site (JSTOR) that you would need to create a login in for. (I sent you to the OSU library last time-sorry!) 
Actually that link wants me to log into the library. 

Thanks for taking another swing at it. I appreciate your efforts! It was nice reading that first paragraph that it shows to me. 

On Thu, May 9, 2024, 7:54 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied May 10, 2024, 10:23 AM EDT

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