
Should I purchase ladybugs? How do I know if they're native? #866303

Asked April 29, 2024, 1:31 PM EDT

Hello, my spirea are covered in aphids. They are chewing through my roses too. I'd like to purchase ladybugs but I can't find a site that ensures they are native to the region. I'm concerned about introducing an exotic species of ladybug. Do you have any suggestions?

Frederick County Maryland

Expert Response

Aphids usually show up earlier in the season than the natural beneficial insect predators that help to keep them under control such as lady beetles, lacewings. Here is our insect predator page to explore:
And our Ladybug/Ladybird beetle page:
We wouldn't buy ladybugs.
Not necessarily because the ones you will get are likely to be the non-native Asian lady beetle, which have been here since the early 1900's and are permanently established in the U.S. now, (and are the ones that tend to group together and enter our homes if they can to overwinter) but because aphids can be washed off with a hose or squished with a gloved hand or as a last resort, insecticidal soap.

As far as something chewing your roses, that wouldn't be aphids (which have sucking mouthparts) but likely Roseslug sawfly larvae which are becoming active now. They chew leaves, sometimes leaving tan 'windowpanes' which eventually fall out leaving holes.
Here is our page that includes them:


Helpful!!!  Thank you!

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On Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 1:56 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied April 29, 2024, 2:11 PM EDT

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