
Peach Tree #865914

Asked April 25, 2024, 3:34 PM EDT

I have a peach tree, about 5 feet tall, been in the ground since last summer. I must not have walked in enough because it's leaning about 45 degrees. Better to dig it up and redo or to stake it straight?

Clermont County Ohio

Expert Response

Hi. I would say yes reset it straight. You may be able to dig halfway around and lean it up and put soil under it but don’t force it if the root it tight. It could be a rock or something below it is inhibiting roots from branching uniformly.  If you can’t, dig a new hole and replant. 
Do it before a lot of new season growth begins. Stake  it only for a windy location.  It should hold firmly upright if planted correctly.
BarbLB Replied April 25, 2024, 4:03 PM EDT

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