
Japanese maple tree #865901

Asked April 25, 2024, 2:52 PM EDT

35 year old gorgeous Japanese maple tree has an area that looks like a possible disease/insect problem.

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

Good news: we don't see any concerning signs of insects or disease in your photos.
There do seem to be some small dead branches in your second photo, and dead wood can be pruned out at any time of year.
Your third photo shows a small dead branch portion that has a lichen growing on it.
Lichens are a lovely and interesting life form and do not hurt trees. They are more likely to grow on still or slow-growing things and are actually a sign of good air quality. You can learn more about them here:
A couple of the branch portions visible in your third photo show that the branch was clipped off a bit beyond the dead area.
The best place to make a pruning cut is not mid branch but back to the nearest junction so that the cut can be healed over by the plant.


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