
Is this a Deodar Cedar and a trim question? #865890

Asked April 25, 2024, 2:03 PM EDT

I have this 20 year old tree in my front yard. What type of Cedar is it? What is recommended about trimming the bottom? Some branches are over my side walk. Thank you, John

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

Your tree looks like a lovely and graceful Deodar Cedar.
You can lightly trim back the branch that is intruding over your sidewalk. 
Be aware that most evergreens can't grow back from brown wood and so can't replace the green portions or limbs that are removed. It may be you could remove the lowest branch without much loss but there may be a hole there for a while until maybe the side branches fill in. Given how close it was planted to your walkway it is likely to continue to be an issue for the long term.
(Thinking outside the box: the crazy plant lover in me wonders if you can re-route your sidewalk?!)


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