
Gladstone Michigan area Maple Tree Disease or Insect Damage #865776

Asked April 24, 2024, 4:39 PM EDT

Hello there. We live in Gladstone Michigan, which is on the west North corner of Lake Michigan. I believe it to be Zone 5 or 5A. We are on a 0.8 Acre moderately wooded residential lot. The mix of species is mostly oak and Maple. There are presently two sets of medium aged to mature maple trees with what appears to be the same disease, or pests. One set died over a 1.5 to 2 year period, and the other appears to have the same problem. Wood peckers are feeding on something in the bark, but all I can find is a small green worm, and only two of those. I am attaching several jpegs, in hopes they could you help identify the issue so we can react accordingly. As an example, when I cut them down can we use the fire wood or should I get it off the property all together. Plus,... are we subject to spread to other maples on the lot.??? Best regards... Karl

Delta County Michigan

Expert Response

Hi Karl,

It looks like the affected trees are mature, and could have been suffering from decline related stress as a result. 
Trees have life spans just like we do, and when they are older stressors like drought, root compaction, or cankers can cause additional issues to take place. 

One of the pairs of trees appears to have been suffering from a canker for some time as evidence by the scar tissue along the edges of the long vertical wound. Cankers can be caused by fungus or bacteria (in this case I suspect fungus) and the only treatment for canker is to cut out affected tissue. Not possible when the trunk is affected. 

I'm not sure the other two trees had a canker, but if the bark peeled back easily it could have (the black streaks may also be an indicator). 

Once trees are stressed for the aforementioned reasons, opportunistic insects readily attack the weakened tree. I suspect this is the case and that the insect is not the primary issue. Other, healthy trees can likely ward off the insect. 

To limit stress on the remaining trees you should avoid driving machinery (including lawnmowers) close to the base of the tree. This can compact the soil, and maples do not handle compacted soil well. This is especially true in sandy soils.  

It would also be a good idea to water the trees if no rain occurs in 4-5 days, especially during hot summer days. Best to do this in the evening; letting a hose run at the base of the tree for 30-40 minutes will give the tree a deep water. 

If you do cut these trees down, you may keep them for firewood, especially if the bark is easily removed. Removing the bark generally kills any pests within, and prevents the reproduction and spread of any remaining insects. 

I hope this helps. Please do feel free to reach out if you have any follow up questions. 

Thank you, 
Julie Crick Replied April 25, 2024, 10:11 AM EDT
Many thanks... we will keep an eye out for any other tree issues or symptoms... KK

From: "Ask Extension" <<personal data hidden>>
To: "kkohtala" <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: April 25, 2024 at 10:11 AM EDT
Subject: Re: Gladstone Michigan area Maple Tree Disease or Insect Damage (#0135697)
The Question Asker Replied April 25, 2024, 7:32 PM EDT

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