
low-maintenance grass seed for lawns #865726

Asked April 24, 2024, 12:33 PM EDT

Can you recommend a low-maintenance grass seed for planting a new lawn? I have seen ads for "No-mow lawns", but I don't know if claims made about such grass seed are dependable. A drought, heat resistant grass that needs minimal mowing is desired.

Jackson County Oregon

Expert Response

Unless you have a football field sized lawn, I would stick to some of  the more commonly available fescues, non-creeping bentgrass , and some of the sedges. Popular alternatives to grass are  California meadow sedge, buffalo grass, Idaho fescue. There are also many small, low-growing perennial plants, such as the kinnikinnic shrubs, barren strawberry (Waldsteinia),evergreen stonecrop, creeping lilyturf. These alternatives, of course, require water but no mowing and they cannot become a playing field or tolerate any "boots on the ground" activity. Although most are hardy to really cold weather, they are subject to damage from sustained subzero  temperatures. And, of course, a normal lawn does not need a haircut every week, as is common in many cases. Cut back a little on water and mow every third week and you can still have a green grass lawn like your neighbors.
marjorie n. OSU Ext. Master Gardener Replied April 24, 2024, 6:42 PM EDT

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