
Scale infestation #865706

Asked April 24, 2024, 10:41 AM EDT

I have a homeowner in my county who has a scale infestation. I have attached pictures of them on his burning bushes. Can you advise on control measures? He has a decent number of plants and they're all badly infested with it. Also, can you confirm whether this is indeed scale and maybe identify the species/type of scale. Thanks

Kent County Maryland

Expert Response


Do you know what other plants the scale is on? Is it all Burning Bush? It does look like a type of scale and it could be Euonymus Scale, which can have other hosts beyond Euonymus species, or it could be Japanese Maple Scale which has numerous hosts. It is hard to say for sure which scale without examining them under a microscope since they look really similar. 

Regardless of the scale, Burning Bush is considered a Tier 2 invasive plant by Maryland Department of Agriculture and we would recommend removing the plants as opposed to treating them. It easily escapes into our woodlands from the berries it produces and wildlife eating them and outcompetes our native species.

If you can identify the other plants that are infested with the scale we can help guide with treatment options if they are warranted, depending on the severity of the infestation. 


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