
Grubs and when to reseed lawn #865700

Asked April 24, 2024, 10:21 AM EDT

Live in Harford County, MD. and for 2 years have had a grub infestation. Can I reseed in the Spring and spray for the grubs in early June? My lawn service told me not to spray for the grubs until June.

Harford County Maryland

Expert Response

Yours is a good question that we are glad you asked. 
No, we wouldn't take this route but we are happy to guide.

Our first question is what makes you think that you have a grub infestation?
Our lawns used to be bluegrass or rye, but the recommended turf grass for our area for a long time now is turf-type tall fescue which doesn't often have grub problems.
People often tend to think they have a grub or insect problem but they are rarely a problem of healthy lawns and thin, dying turf often has other causes.

It is normal to see some grubs within the soil, but treatment isn't necessary unless you dig a 12-inch area and find 10-15.
Here is our page on Grubs:

Only if you find a large number in a square foot area should you consider treating with a product that has only the active ingredient chlorantraniliprole (listed in small print on the label of grub control products.) It is not going to be a spray but a granular.
Spraying a whole lawn with any chemical is not recommended as it has a harmful effect on many beneficial bugs and pollinators, including lightning bugs, butterfly caterpillars, etc. (Share with your lawn person).
Better than anything is to aim for a thick healthy stand of turf. The best time to seed is in the late summer into fall when there is less competition from weed seeds like crabgrass and stiltgrass. There is another window of opportunity that is less ideal in early April but we are past that now.
What you could do now is have a soil test done to plan for fall. Here is our soil testing information:
testing-labs/ including the list of labs who can complete the analysis for you. (Fertilization is also best done in the fall according to what the results tell you.)
Here are our lawn pages that can guide you on renovation and overseeding, and best management practices to keep your lawn in prime shape:


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