
Aspen Tree Suckers #865673

Asked April 23, 2024, 9:42 PM EDT

How can I kill all the sucker's pooped up in my grass without killing the trees?

Weld County Colorado

Expert Response

Dear Kik,

Aspen trees are not single trees but one large connected organism that propagates by sending up suckers. Suckers can be pruned out of the lawn.  Products such as Sucker Stopper could translocate to the mother trees. Also, if you read the label of these products, I believe they are not recommended for use on any trees in the Populus genus, which includes aspen, cottonwood and willow.

Instead, continue on a mission to cut back and mechanically remove the sucker as they emerge. Unfortunately, aspen propagate via root suckers, and their natural methods can be a headache for gardeners.

Best of luck,


Weld County Master Gardener

Weld County Colorado Master Gardeners Replied April 24, 2024, 9:49 PM EDT

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