
Clover Lawn #865650

Asked April 23, 2024, 5:58 PM EDT

I'm sure you're sick of clover lawn questions! If there is already a FAQ page on clover lawns you can direct me there! If not I was wondering: - I've heard seeding lawn with clover instead of grasses is better for the environment (pollinators & less water usage are the two things I've heard) - is that true? - are there species of clover native to the Maryland area? - are there recommendations for seeding a lawn re:actual application? Do I need to kill the grass or can I just add clover seeds and let them slowly take over the yard with reseeding intermittently? Thank you for your time and attention!

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

We are happy to help.
It is good to hear that you are interested in managing your landscape with pollinators and sustainability in mind. For too long a 'perfect' lawn has been seen as the ideal and that is thankfully changing, which will lead to healthier environments, more biodiversity and better stewardship of our waterways, including the Chesapeake Bay.
Long ago white clover was routinely included in grass seed mixes, and it does have some advantages as a legume that can fix Nitrogen and blooms for pollinators.
This page will tell you more:
Lawns and Microclover

There are no lawn-appropriate clover species are native here, however. While you could overseed some clover into your lawn, it often shows up naturally.

Take a look at this page to better understand why lawns are 
difficult to grow well here:

Another good approach is to reduce the amount of lawn that you have by considering lawn alternatives for some areas:


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