
Rainier cherry leaf issues #865627

Asked April 23, 2024, 3:34 PM EDT

Some of my 2yo cherry trees are wilting, have pieces missing, and have some holes. This is only appearing on one section and branch. Also, these red numbs are on some leaf stems. Help!

Marion County Oregon

Expert Response

Dear Paula, 

Thank you for contacting us about your cherry tree. It looks like the damaged leaves may have been nipped by cold while they were still in the bud or just opening. If the damage begins to spread, please write back and we will try to advise you. 

The bumps on the leaf stems are glands that are part of the cherry tree anatomy, so there is nothing to be concerned about. 

I'm attaching a spray schedule that you might find useful throughout the year. 

I hope this information is helpful. Please write again any time you have a gardening question. 
Best Regards, Replied April 25, 2024, 9:07 PM EDT

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