
Three Sisters #865600

Asked April 23, 2024, 1:35 PM EDT

Hello, I have been doing some research and would like to try planting the three sisters - corn, beans and squash. I have seen mixed advice about growing one or another in advance. I wanted to get your thoughts on if it is ok to plant all three seeds together at the same time or if I should start one before the others. Also, is it necessary to plant them on a mound or elevation? Thanks, Berg (she/her)

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

Dear Berg, 

Thank you for reaching out! Here is a great article from the UMN Extension with information on companion planting in home gardens (read under "Mutual Support" for the three sisters model):

Here are two more articles with timing and steps on planting:

You will want to plant the corn first in a mound approximately 12 inches high. When the corn is 6 inches high, you may plant the beans and squash. 

Good luck!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 24, 2024, 4:43 AM EDT

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