
Annabelle hydrangea growing with black plastic and mulched with gravel #865594

Asked April 23, 2024, 1:17 PM EDT

I have two Annabelle hydrangeas that have been growing for a long time and do quite well on the west side of the house with a layer of gravel on top of black plastic. I'm wondering if this allows them to get through the winter and both are sending out leaves on last year's growth. I was thinking of removing the plastic and putting the gravel in the driveway to fill in the ruts as the gravel matches the driveway gravel and also, I wouldn't have to buy and haul more gravel for the driveway. Would replacing the plastic and gravel with wood mulch give the same insulating qualities of getting the plants through our unpredictable winters? Or should I just leave them alone? I wouldn't have to haul woods chips as I have plenty of trees that need chipping up rather than simply burning them. What are your thoughts and both of these hydrangeas send out suckers and I was considering digging them up and planting in the same bed .

Kanabec County Minnesota

Expert Response

Plastic, black or otherwise is horrible stuff that keeps air and water from reaching the soil. Wood chips are much better than gravel. Either one will have dust blow in and drop on the stuff. Weed seeds will germinate on the dust, so you will have occasional weeding to do. 
These web pages describe hydrangea care and background. You should be able to dig up the suckers once they have reached some size. I live in Benton County and do not protect the hydrangea growing on the north side of my house and it does fine.
Linda G Tenneson, Benton County EMG & TCA Replied April 23, 2024, 3:22 PM EDT

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