
Question about lawn to prairie conversion #865549

Asked April 23, 2024, 9:50 AM EDT

Hello, I am preparing this year to convert a large portion of my yard to prairie. I read the How-To page which provided a lot of useful information, however I'm wondering if you have any other resources that go into more detail about the process and if you can recommend any seed dealers in the metro or online for high-quality native seeds and plugs. I am located in Golden Valley, and if there are any volunteer master gardeners in the area with experience in prairie restoration who would be willing to talk with me I would greatly appreciate being connected with them. Thank you! Bob

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

We don't recommend specific retailers.  The DNR has a nice list of people who do prairie restorations, either as landscapers, plant material suppliers, or helping DIYers:

As for Master Gardener help, we don't do "house calls", but you can often find us at Q&A booths at farm markets.  We are scheduled to be at the Golden Valley Farm Market this year.  But it is unlikely you'll get more information than what you can find on this website:
Dennis in St. Louis Park Replied April 24, 2024, 6:00 PM EDT

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