
Sunflowers - Allelopathy #865501

Asked April 22, 2024, 7:22 PM EDT

Hi, I am considering growing sunflowers, but am concerned about how far, the effects of Allepathy will reach and how long it lasts in the soil I have raised beds (Approx 18" tall) that I grow vegetables in with aisles of approx 30" between the beds and I would like to plant sunflowers in their own raised beds. Does the Allepathy spread from Bed to Bed? As I think about rotating crops, how long does it last in the soil? or - once a sunflower bed, always a sunflower bed? Thank You Chuck Osterud

Anoka County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for reaching out to ask2,extension.

The sunflowers will only affect the soil they are planted in.  If you keep them in one bed, it will not affect the other bed, but if planted too many years in a row, you will see the seeds not producing as they will eventually weaken.

To reduce the effect of sunflower toxicity, cut back, chop up and compost the plants, including their roots, in the fall (yes, the sunflower’s toxic parts decompose readily in compost bins) and rain and natural decomposition will eliminate most of the toxins left in the soil before spring. Or continue to grow sunflowers on that spot.

There are certain plants and vegetables that are resistant to the toxins.  You can find them listed on line.

I hope this helps.  You can find more information online.

Deb Kroon Replied April 23, 2024, 8:23 PM EDT

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