
Columbine #865443

Asked April 22, 2024, 1:44 PM EDT


is the 

Aquilegia Vulgaris native to Maryland - specifically Frederick?

im trying to plant a native garden but am finding it hard to find the specific species native to the area. 

Frederick County Maryland

Expert Response

That is the European species of Aquilegia. The native columbine to Maryland is Aquilegia canadensis. There is also a species native to the rocky mountains as well, Aquilegia caerulea. There are many hybrid varieties as well. You can search for it at native plant nurseries where it is likely available over larger box type home improvement stores. This time of year that are many native plant sale events and there should be some in Frederick over the next few weekends. Frederick County Master Gardeners are holding a plant sale this Saturday at the fair grounds. 

You could also search for seeds as well. It wouldn't bloom this year but it is easy to propagate from seed. 



Thank you so much! I’m also looking for a more native ground cover like clover. With a no mow option. Is there anything you would suggest?


The Question Asker Replied April 23, 2024, 10:15 AM EDT

The clover that we see in lawns is not native to the US. It is so common though that it is considered naturalized. Mixing microclover into lawns is an option to lessen turf grass maintenance but it wouldn't be no-mow. It comes with some advantages and disadvantages which are explained on the link provided. 

You can explore our groundcover page for options but these would be varying with the their tolerance of foot traffic. 

The site conditions will determine which ground covers will be best as well. If you need something for foot traffic then turf grass tends to be the best option, but you can practice more low maintenance and organic turf care and encourage native 'weeds' like wild violets. 

There are a lot of options for sedges that can be used as ground cover and you can explore options for sun or shade in the study from Mt. Cuba for Carex for the Mid-Atlantic region.

If you want to include a photo of the space you are wanting now mow ground cover, you can attach them along with some site conditions (sun/shade/ drainage/ deer) and we can assist with more specific suggestions.


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