
Honeybee #865422

Asked April 22, 2024, 12:02 PM EDT

There’s a swarm on our house in TP. What should we do?

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

Honey bee swarms are very short-lived, so the bees might have dispersed by the time you receive our reply. Swarms are not a threat to people, as the workers are surrounding their queen to protect her while scouts fly around looking for a suitable location to move into and create a new colony ("hive," though hives per se are technically only the colony nesting boxes that people provide for honey bees). Once enough scouts find an appealing location, the bees collectively "decide" to try it out and the entire swarm will depart to move in. It's not unusual for a swarm to disappear a day or two after being noticed.

Some beekeepers will happily come out and retrieve a swarm, since it gives them free bees with their queen, in order to set up a new hive. The Maryland State Beekeepers Association has a list online of members (see link) willing to gather a swarm. The list should be sortable by county.

Thank you very much, Miri! Your response is fascinating and helpful. I hope they find a perfect new home.
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On Apr 22, 2024, at 2:10 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied April 22, 2024, 9:13 PM EDT

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