
Comment for Emily Porter #865372

Asked April 22, 2024, 3:25 AM EDT

Hi Emily. I just read your article about cherry laurel problems. The first thing all of you need to tell homeowners the names of native plants that would be good replacements. You could explain that native plants are adapted to the region where they are grown so they are naturally more resistant to diseases. Many are deer resistant. Thanks for considering this request. Kathy

Calvert County Maryland

Expert Response

Hi Kathy,

Thanks for your feedback! In out Cherry Laurel Diagnostic page, we do mention that there are not many native evergreen species that have the same traits as cherry laurel and will withstand the site conditions of foundations plants. We include in our list some natives to the US, some natives to Maryland, and some non-invasive plants as suggested substitutes.

Native plants are preferable to use while gardening our built landscapes to help with biodiversity, but they are not without their own disease problems. Finding the right plant for the right place while trying to achieve your planting goals can be challenging, but is important to have the plant thrive in its given location. Even then, natives can still be susceptible to disease and insect issues or succumb to environmental stressors.

Our diagnostic page is trying to address the common problems of Cherry Laurel first since they are so widely planted and why we offer alternatives further down on the page, hoping that people choose to plant native when they can and through most of their landscaping.


Thanks, Emily, for your speedy reply. 

I will probably plant Kalmia angustifolia. I understand that there is no perfect plant, but I want everything I plant to provide some wildlife benefit. 

The Question Asker Replied April 23, 2024, 3:27 AM EDT

you're welcome, there is a a variety called Kalmia angustifolia var. carolina that may be better in a warming climate if you can find it. 

happy planting! 

Great tip! Thanks! 

The Question Asker Replied April 23, 2024, 10:32 PM EDT

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