
shade plant that is resistant to dog urine #865065

Asked April 19, 2024, 7:52 AM EDT

Hello, I am looking for a short to medium sized plant for a shade location next to the sidewalk. It is a favorite place for dogs to urinate. I have tried a azalea, and columbine. Both plants have failed to thrive. Thank you

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

In order to best assist, it would be helpful to know what dimensions you have in mind (height/width, keeping in mind pedestrians and vehicle sightlines), how many hours of sun it gets a day, and whether the soil drains well. 
Was it easy to dig there? Are you able to water the plants? (For new plantings it's important to keep them well-watered, especially if we don't get at least an inch of rain a week for the entire establishment period of  18-24 months.

If you can share a couple of photos of the area it would be helpful too. You can attach photos directly to this reply.

And lastly, how many times a day would you estimate dogs (inc. large ones) are visiting there?


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