
Peaches Pears, or Apples #865031

Asked April 18, 2024, 5:28 PM EDT

Good afternoon. I have cut down a maple tree that got out of control and was a mess. My family loves fresh fruit and we have enjoyed picking pears from neighbors trees. I thought about planting our own pear tree as I know they grow in our neighborhood. However, we have a good relationship with them... I was wondering if a peach tree would be a wiser tree to plant? We live in Roxbourough, just south of Chatfield Reservoir. How often do peach trees bear fruit? Is there a certain peach tree that would be best? If not, would a pear or apple tree be better for the front range? Thank you so much for your time and attention to this. I value you, Chris

Douglas County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Chris,

Fresh fruit is amazing--certainly worth a try in the yard!

For the Front Range, particularly where you are at a higher elevation, peaches are not generally recommended because they are so often damaged by late frosts.  You would get peaches only rarely, if ever!  

You might have better luck with a sour cherry (you could use them in pies, etc, but they are pretty tart for fresh eating), though these trees are often fairly short-lived (10-15 years).

Pears and apples are better suited for our part of the state.  You could consider getting a different variety than your neighbor if you choose a pear, or select an apple variety.  With both pears and apples, the bacterial disease known as Fire Blight is a potential concern, so look for varieties that are naturally resistant to it.  You may have to shop around a bit to find the most resistant varieties.

Pears--look for varieties called Alexander Lucas, Blake's Pride, Harrow Delight or Harrow Sweet, Magness, Maxine, Moonglow, Tyson, or Potomac. 

Apples--look for Enterprise, Winesap, Tusgaru, Empire, Golden Delicious, Fuji, or Cosmic Crisp(r).

More information about backyard orchards can be found here:

I hope this is helpful!



An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 19, 2024, 12:46 PM EDT
Thank you so much for this... It helps a lot. I guess We'll just have to make a trip to the western slope for those peaches. 

I really really appreciate the time you put into the email. I know that wasn't a quick info dump and move on. Thank you and we'll look into the pears!

I value you

On Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 10:46 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied April 20, 2024, 5:04 PM EDT

You're welcome, and happy gardening!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 22, 2024, 10:43 AM EDT

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