
Lawn fertilizer recommendations #865029

Asked April 18, 2024, 5:06 PM EDT

What type of soil treatment would you recommend? I can no longer afford to have it done professionally. I had it reseeded last year and it has been treated for three years organically.

Kent County Michigan

Expert Response

Hello Elizabeth

Based on your soil test results I would not apply anymore lime. Kentucky bluegrass grows well at pH between 6.0 and 7.0 Applying lime could raise your pH above 7.0

Otherwise you can follow the remainder of the recommendations for your lawn. Here is a reference that has a table of organic fertilizers you may use:

I would also recommend you mulch your grass clippings, or allow them to work into the soil. This will maintain your organic matter, which is good at around 5%. It also contributes some nitrogen back to the soil, you may reduce the nitrogen you apply separately each season by 10% when you mulch your clippings.

When you cut the lawn, cut so the grass stands about 3 inches tall after cutting; this helps create a thick stand because it shades out weeds from germinating and leaves enough grass blade to feed the roots.

MSU Extension has a nice residential lawn care site with articles and videos on various lawn care topics:

Thank you for your question! Replied April 18, 2024, 8:03 PM EDT

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