
Shady alternatives to grass #864947

Asked April 17, 2024, 9:44 PM EDT

Hi! I am wondering what your recommendations would be for lawn alternatives for areas with lots of shade that are native to Michigan?

Kent County Michigan

Expert Response

Hello Maddie,

Native plants are adapted to Michigan’s weather,. They generally require less maintenance than non-natives. They typicaly have built in defenses to local pests, and also bring bioidiversity to the garden as they provide food and shelter for hummimgbirds, butterflies, and bees.

In looking at groundcovers, such as periwinkle, bugleweed, liliy of the valley,and English Ivy, provide good choices for planting. There are even plants adapted for tree roots like Paschandra, Sweet Woodruff,and Fairy Wings.

Depending upon what area you have and either sun/shade, and the zone you are in, there are many possibilities that exist. The following links will provide you more information and ideas.

Thank you for your inquiry.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 19, 2024, 1:09 PM EDT

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