
What type of grass is this? #864941

Asked April 17, 2024, 8:44 PM EDT

Can you identify the species and name of this grass? It seems native and it grows well along roads and paths in Minneapolis. I’m interested in no mow grasses that are hardy like this. Thanks!

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

I am sorry but there is no way I can identify the grasses from your photos.  As you mention roadsides and along paths, it is highly possible the grass is a mix of fine fescues, probably creeping red and bunch forming.  Check with your locally owned garden center and look for quality seed.  It does not pay to buy cheap grass seed.  The premium mixes will give you the results listed without the addition of several annual grasses and even weed seeds.
Barbara, Anoka County MG, TCA Replied April 18, 2024, 10:56 AM EDT

Thanks for the response. Maybe it’s not a grass as fescue grows taller. I’ll try another photo. 

The Question Asker Replied April 18, 2024, 8:03 PM EDT
That looks like a ground cover rather than a grass.  Trying cutting out a sample (I believe that ground cover will fill that area in) and take it to your locally owned garden center for help in identification.  You might even be able to ID it yourself by comparing it to the plants they have available.  It could be creeping thyme or one of the other ground cover perennials.
Barbara, Anoka County MG, TCA Replied April 19, 2024, 9:03 PM EDT

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