
New apple tree care #864903

Asked April 17, 2024, 4:15 PM EDT

Hello! We recently purchased and planted six apple trees of several varieties to begin our small homestead organic orchard. I was curious what type of diseases and pests are prevalent in this area so that I can get a head start on prevention and control. Any information you have on this would be great. Thanks!! Emily

Carroll County Maryland

Expert Response

Hello Emily,

Fruit trees can be high-maintenance crops, so it's a good idea to research potential problems before they arise, as you ask. Disease-resistant cultivars (varieties) are the best starting point, so hopefully the plants you selected so far are among those naturally more resistant to infection. (None will be immune or equally resistant to all possible diseases, though.)

We recently revised our fruit care pages, and the Growing Apple and Pear Trees in a Home Garden page contains a list of some resistant cultivars plus information about the usual pests and diseases. The Virginia Pest Management Guide linked in that section is applicable to Maryland fruit growers as well, and includes more detail about pesticide active ingredients and the timing of preventative applications. Additional resources that may be helpful (so you know what diseases might be more likely in certain varieties) include: Miri

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