
What now? #864887

Asked April 17, 2024, 2:57 PM EDT

I got a soil test, I am at a loss as to what to do, if anything, in my veggie garden. Should I adjust calcium and/or magnesium? If so, how? Acopy of the test results are attached for your perusal, if you would be so kind. Thanks, George Davis 314.634.8713

Franklin County Ohio

Expert Response

Hello George and thank you for your question. After looking at your soil test results, your pH is 7.1 which is nearly neutral, so growing vegetables in your garden will grow just fine. You don't need to add lime or magnesium to the garden, either. The only thing needed is nitrogen, so I would apply high-nitrogen fertilizer to my garden soil. So, I would get a fertilizer with 10-5-4 mix on the bag. organic or synthetic is totally up to you. Looking at the bag of fertilizer, look for the analysis information on the bag and there should be three numbers like 10-3-2. When you locate this information the first number is nitrogen, the second number is phosphorus, and the third number is potassium. If you use Urea which is a high-nitrogen fertilizer, apply at a rate of 1/2 pound per 100 sq. feet of garden space. 


Reading A Fertilizer Label | Home & Garden Information Center (

Interpreting Your Soil Test Reports (

Good luck with the garden.

Joe Lansing Replied April 17, 2024, 3:31 PM EDT

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