
Bug I.D. #864752

Asked April 16, 2024, 2:14 PM EDT

This small black insect is found outdoors and indoors. It flies and is questionable to bite. Picture is of bug with a regular size paperclip.

Wyandot County Ohio

Expert Response

This insect is a "True Bug". It belongs to the insect order Hemiptera. It is one of a group of "true bugs" called the burrowing bugs. Burrowing bugs as their name implies usually burrow into the ground and feed on roots and stems of plants. However, there is at least one species that feeds in the open on seed of nettles and plants in the mint family. This species is called the margined burrowing bug, Sehirus cinctus (see HERE us SINK tuss). The bug is all black except for a gray margin around the edge of its body.  Being a true bug, the insect has a piercing/sucking mouth design. This is usually used to pierce and suck juices out of plants and seeds. Occasionally they will poke a person's skin to taste if you might be a plant to feed on or not. This "taste test" is of no medical importance.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 16, 2024, 3:48 PM EDT

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