
New lawn #864702

Asked April 16, 2024, 9:22 AM EDT

We will be seeding our back yard lawn (south side lots of sun) in the next few days. We planted Kentucky blue grass too late (apparantly) last fall and not enough of the seed has germinated. We had laid down 3" of top soil prior. Our plan is to spread another inch or so and then seed and straw. Can you recommend a particular seed mixture and does our plan sound productive? Thank you! John

Clinton County Michigan

Expert Response

Hmm, my recommendations might not fit with your timing. First, I recommend doing a soil test.  Knowing the type and fertility of your soil is the starting point to establishing & maintaining a strong turf that can resist diseases, weeds, moss and insects/grubs, look great and at an optimal cost. More info here: Don't Guess-Soil Test-MSU and MSU Home Soil Test-self mailer The soil test will recommend several fertilizers that could be applied. Tell them you are seeding a new lawn.
Second, I'm concerned about the 3" of topsoil on top of ....subsoil
?  Grass roots don't always like to cross soil boundaries and might chose to remain in the 3" layer which will not play well in the long run.  It would be good to till the area and blend the boundary into both soils.  You were thinking of adding another layer of topsoil, I'd suggest instead adding compost (organic material) and mixing it in too.
Third, mid-late August is the best time to seed a lawn because the summer heat and drought are about over and the seed will become established in the cooler, moister fall.  There is also less competition from weeds unlike in the spring.  Also, if you spring seed, you will probably need to keep this new lawn watered over this summer to prevent the new seedlings from dying due to summer dryness.
More info on seeding in the attached articles:
Establishing A New Lawn Using Seed (E2910)-MSU - a good article to follow
Seeding & Sodding Home Lawns-UMN
Lawn Establishment Steps-PSU
Spring Reseeding Tips-MSU
Info on seed species and cultivars:
Turfgrass species ID & Cultivar Selection (E2912)-MSU - it's best to have at least 2 cultivars of each specie in your seed mix.  The species in your mix are dependent on what you will do in your yard.
Recommended Turfgrass Cultivars-2012-Illinois
Turfgrass species selection-UMass
MSU Extension does not endorse any retailers or brands.
Dick M. Replied April 17, 2024, 4:57 PM EDT

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