
Growing tomatoes & roses #864651

Asked April 15, 2024, 5:32 PM EDT

Is it possible to grow a tomato plant with a rose plant in the same raised bed box? If so, please give me instructions on how to plant them together. Thank you.

Boulder County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Susan,

It's definitely possible to plant a rose plant and tomato plant together and, in fact, they can be good companion plants for one another. One thing to ensure is that you have enough space for both. If the tomato plant is indeterminant you will want to leave space not only for the plant but also for a trellis it as well. If your rose is a climbing rose it will also need trellising.

 The plants will have different nutrient requirements and will need fertilizer specific to tomatoes and to roses. 

Here is a resource talking more about companion planting:

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Best wishes,
Boulder County Extension Master Gardeners

An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 17, 2024, 8:17 PM EDT

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