
Unwanted lawn violets #864568

Asked April 15, 2024, 11:05 AM EDT

My lawn has violets growing everywhere. How can these "lawn" violets be eliminated?

Anne Arundel County Maryland

Expert Response

Wild violets, native perennials, are difficult to eliminate. In areas where turfgrass is struggling, such as due to shade or damp soil, violets can provide an alternative groundcover with showy flowers and benefits for pollinators and other wildlife. (For example, Fritillary butterflies use violets as caterpillar host plants.)

If digging the plants out is not practical, you will have to use an herbicide. Wild violets are resistant to most common lawn herbicides. It may take multiple applications of an herbicide in order to achieve success. Immature plants are most susceptible to herbicide applications. Mature plants frequently require two or more herbicide treatments at 3- to 4-week intervals, in the spring and/or fall. Apply a broadleaf weed killer containing the active ingredient triclopyr, or a combination product (for example, Trimec uses the ingredients 2,4-D, MCPP, and dicamba) in the spring and then again in the late summer-early fall. Follow all product label directions.

Let us know if you have further questions with lawn care.


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