
Deer Fence Options #864531

Asked April 14, 2024, 9:30 PM EDT

Hello, I am looking at deer fence options for our vegetable garden. We live in a high deer traffic area and the area I have available for gardening is right next to a major deer travel route. I am looking to enclose an area that would require about 250 linear feet of fence. So far, the neighbors have tried many tricks such as fishing line and double fences with no success. So, I am looking at possibly installing an 8 foot deer fence from a specialized deer fence company, but it is so expensive, so I was wondering if there are other potential solutions. I was considering an electric fence but we have small children. I also do not want to invest a smaller amount of money into numerous ineffective solutions and end up spending way more money in the long run. Any suggestions for cost effective solutions would be appreciated. Thank you

Lamoille County Vermont

Expert Response

Dear Sarah:

Thanks for contacting the UVM Extension Master Gardener Helpline for information about deer fence options. Since you don't want to use electric fencing because of your small children, we won't discuss that option. 

As you probably know, deer can usually jump up to eight feet. Thus, fences meant to exclude deer from gardens must be at least 8 feet high to be effective. Here are some options:

1. Woven wire fencing at least 8 feet high is generally the most effective way to keep deer out of the garden. Although this is more costly than other options, it may be the most cost effective in the long run (especially since you live in a high deer traffic area) and requires little maintenance.

2.  Slanted fence that is set up at a 45 degree angle. It should be 4 feet wide and 6 feet tall. 

3.  Double fence (two fences 4 feet tall separated by a space of 4 feet) also works. 

We attach links to a number of resources that discuss these options in more detail. The Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources has an excellent handbook entitled "Fencing Handbook for  10 ft Woven Wire Deer Exclusion Fence" that will tell you more than you ever wanted to know about this subject (link below):
The North Carolina Wildlife Commission fact sheet (found at first link) focuses on electric fences but also has information about building woven wire fencing under the "Permanent Fencing" tab.

Additional resources:

Given that you do not want an electric fence and that you live in an area with high deer traffic, we believe that the "cost-effective" solution to keep deer from your garden is the 8 to 10 foot fence described in the materials cited above. While the initial investment is more costly, its effectiveness, extended life, and low maintenance will likely make it the more cost-effective choice.

We hope that this information helps.



UVM Extension Master Gardener Program Volunteer Replied April 17, 2024, 12:22 PM EDT

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