
Helpful plants? #864480

Asked April 14, 2024, 1:12 PM EDT

Hello, I was thinking of allowing the moss (I think it is) grow around the edge of my raised bed as a ground over to discourage weeds (picture one). Is that a good strategy? Also, I think the second plant is a geranium which may help pollinators? Or should they both be removed? Thank you!

Clackamas County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi Erin and thanks for your questions and pictures of your raised bed "volunteers". Yes, I'm a moss fan so I would definitely let it grow, if it IS moss. It looks a little bit like a plant called pearlwort which is invasive but can be hand weeded out. You could even try transplanting some moss around the edges if you decide it IS pearlwort.

I might take out the geranium too, as they can have pretty extensive root systems, but it probably won't compete with the plants in your raised beds, so you can leave it for awhile if you want. It is not the dreaded Shiny Geranium, so at least you don't have another invasive species.

Thanks for considering the pollinators and good luck with your raised beds.
Rhonda Frick-Wright Replied April 15, 2024, 11:55 PM EDT

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