
Native plants #864456

Asked April 14, 2024, 9:49 AM EDT

We have removed our lawn in the backyard and are looking for low growing, drought restistent native plants and ground cover to place in the beds around the flagstone. Suggestions for the Willamette Valley?

Marion County Oregon

Expert Response

Dear Lara,

Thank you for contacting us about drought-tolerant plants for your yard. There are many options for native and adapted plants of various sizes depending on your growing conditions (amount of sun, type of soil, foot traffic, etc.)

Most drought-tolerant plants will require regular water until they get established, usually after the first year. Of course, all plants will need supplemental water during prolonged periods of drought or extreme heat.

Blue Star creeper (not native) is a good low ground cover although it generally prefers a little afternoon shade. Wild strawberry (Fragaria virginiana) does well as a steppable plant in both sun and part shade.

The following links have lots of information on native plants for western Oregon: If you would like more specific suggestions, please reply with your type of soil, amount of natural soil moisture, amount of sun, and the sizes of plants you are looking for.  And feel free to write again any time you have gardening questions.
Best Regards, Replied April 17, 2024, 7:55 PM EDT

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