
bulging at pine tree roots on the ground #864393

Asked April 13, 2024, 2:37 PM EDT

Hello, We inherited this evergreen when we bought the property back in 1999. It's grown to this height. Wondering 2 things: should we worry about taking it down because it's too tall? and,....what is the growths along the roots on the ground? We have been noticing the bulges growing for the last 5-8 yrs. This year the largest bulge has grown to approx. 12 in. in length and about 8 in. high.Is there something we can do about this? Thanks so much for any information!

Windsor County Vermont

Expert Response

Hi Sheree,

Thank you for contacting the helpline. I think what you are seeing on your tree roots is a burl. These can form on tree trunks and roots. Typically, they are not harmful to the tree and are usually a response to an environmental injury such as a pruning cut, disease, or insect damage. When root surfacing occurs, lawnmowers are a common cause for damage or trauma to the tree. Here's some more information on why roots can become exposed:

root surfacing

If you are concerned about the tree leaning or falling, it would be a good idea to have an arborist come out and take a look. They will assess the health of the tree and give you recommendations. Here's a link that can be helpful in finding one near you:

Find an Arborist

I hope this helps!

Carrie B. - UVM Extension Master Gardener Program Replied April 18, 2024, 9:19 AM EDT

Carrie B,
So helpful! Thanks! I was thinking we probably nicked it with lawn mower. Can't do that anymore as big as it is! We'll probably mulch that area now, knowing what you told us.
Very informative accompanying articles. Appreciate your time,
Sheree McCleary

On Apr 18, 2024, at 9:19 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied April 18, 2024, 12:10 PM EDT
Your welcome, Sheree!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 18, 2024, 12:16 PM EDT

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