
Peony bud insect damage #864363

Asked April 13, 2024, 12:21 PM EDT

I have two vigorous peonies (Pink Hawaiian Coral) in my yard in full sun, next to a wooden fence on the north side of my house. Something is boring through the buds, pictures attached. What is causing the holes and how can I treat the problem? I realize the damaged buds will need to be removed, but are there any preventive measures I can take to protect future buds? Thank you in advance for your help. FYI, these two plants have been in the ground for over 5 years and have flowered beautifully in previous years.

Washington County Oregon

Expert Response

Thank you for your questions, Kathy.  Unfortunately, seeing just the holes doesn't provide enough information to determine whether the problem is a disease or an insect pest.  This article lists the possibilities:

Can you cut one open and do some sleuthing about what you see inside?  Please share your discoveries!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 15, 2024, 2:56 PM EDT

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